Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome to our blog that tracks the news.

This will really help us follow the news and become better players on our team. We'll know more about what's going on.

Here's how I propose playing this game.

When you post a news item, post only the title and a one-sentence summary. Post the article as a comment. That way the blog will display many news items, and you can click on any one for more info.

I hope we can form a ring, and each day someone will post a big story or two.

Also, we could be summary postings for a topic that describe what happened over time.

Should be fun,

1 comment:

  1. "Getting There from Here"
    This is an interesting article from the January 26th issue of the New Yorker. It talks about how the health care systems of several countries (Britain, France, Switzerland) evolved in unique and organic ways, and argues for a "path dependent" approach for the Obama health care initiative.
